Horsley Meadows is a SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace) and is managed on behalf of The Land Trust.
Set in a quiet area of countryside near the village of West Horsley, this newly created grassland nature reserve was until recently, an area of arable farmland.
A 2.3km trail now winds its way around the gently sloping site, which features magnificent mature oaks, newly planted hedgerows and areas of scrub under big skies (see map below). A newly seeded wildflower meadow will also create floristic diversity on the reserve.
We hope to see many insects visiting the meadow area, whilst birds and small mammals will use the scrub for shelter and nesting. buzzards and red kites can already be seen circling the site.
As this is a newly created reserve, the flora and fauna will develop over time, so please share your sightings!
