West Horsley Parish Council's Grants Scheme

Application Form (Word) 

Click here to read our Community Grants Scheme Policy

Every year West Horsley Parish Council gives grant aid to a number of local groups, charities and organisations. Any group, charity or organisation can apply, but the following criteria must be met:

The group, organisation or charity must either be based in West Horsley or be of significant value to the West Horsley community.

  • The grant must be for a capital cost (not revenue).
  • Grants will not be awarded to individuals.
  • Grants are normally capped at £1000 but more may be possible in exceptional circumstances.
Preference will be given to initiatives/projects that:
  • promote wellbeing within the community;
  • encourage community participation in sports and the arts;
  • contribute towards the protection of the environment; or
  • are geared towards community engagement for all ages.
West Horsley Parish Council will distribute grants twice a year, with application deadlines as follows:
  • 30th June
  • 31st December

Applicants submitting before 30th June will be notified by the end of July. Applicants submitting before 31st December will be notified by the end of January.


Click here to see a list of recent grant recipients


Please complete the application form and return it to us via clerk@westhorsley.info along with a copy of your last agreed accounts or financial statement. Alternatively, post your application to us at: West Horsley Parish Council, 99 The Street, West Horsley, KT24 6DD, marked 'Grant Application Form'.