Major Applications Nearby

22/P/01175: Land At Wisley Airfield, Hatch Lane, Ockham, GU23 6NU

Update: December 2024 from Ockham Parish Council, WAG and VAWNT: A Hearing took place on 5 December 2024 at the High Court as Ockham Parish Council along with WAG and VAWNT had challenged the decision given earlier in the year to refuse a Judicial Review. The presiding judge dismissed the challenge to the Planning Inspector’s decision. They have expressed thanks to all those concerned in our community for all the support, financial, moral and personal in the enormous efforts made in the last 3 years.

21/P/02394: Land near Horsley Railway Station, Ockham Road North (Lollesworth Fields)

Planning permission was submitted for the demolition of 2 dwellings and alteration to access for up to 110 dwellings and upto 99sqm of office floor space (Use Class B1a), open space, sustainable urban drainage and associated landscape, infrastructure and earthwork's. West Horsley Parish Council objected to this planning application which was approved on 9 September 2022. Site works have commenced and completion is currently scheduled for Summer 2025.

21/P/02394: Howard of Effingham School

Planning permission has been given to Berkley Homes (Southern) Ltd to rebuild the Howard of Effingham School to the North of Lower Road together with 409 new homes in Effingham village. It is currently uncertain whether this will be built as originally planned as a letter in JUly 2024 was distributed by The Howard Partnership Trust (THPT) explaining that they are discussing possible revision of the plans for the new school with Berkley Homes. There are a number of reasons for this including chanages in economic circumstances and it seems tha Surrey County Council accept that predicted future demand for secondary school places in the area has decreased so THPT have decided that the school should remain at 1600 places and not the suggested increase to 2000. A new planning application is likely to be submitted.

Planning Applications of Significance in West Horsley


24/P/01152: St Mary's Church Epsom Road, West Horsley                                                                                                                                  Erection of new church centre including Parish Office and associated works, including re-ordering of the existing church. This application was considered by the Parish Council in September 2024 under item 24/160. It was agreed that the Parish Council were generally supportive of the application but submitted comments for consideration. This application was considered in conjunction with 24/P/01151: The Wheelhouse, Hall, East Lane, West Horsley KT24 6LQ which is an outline application for the erection of a detached dwelling house following the demolition of existing Church Hall building and creation of a new access to East Lane (access, scale and layout to be considered).

24/P/01626: Glenview, Epsom Road, West Horsley KT24 6AL                                                                                                                                        Construction of an age-restricted residential scheme (Use Class C3) including communal facilities together with access from Epsom Road, parking and landscaping and all enabling and ancillary works following demolition of existing dwelling and outbuildings. This application was considered by the Parish Council in December 2024 under 24/232.