About Horsleys' C.A.N.

We All Need to Play Our Part

Horsleys' C.A.N. (Climate Action Network) is a community group originally established as a joint West and East Horsley Parish Councils initiative. The group now acts as an independent community group, with the full backing on the parish councils. 

Horsleys' C.A.N. aims to raise climate change awareness across the villages and to identify actions that we can all take to help work towards achieving the national net zero carbon emissions targets set for 2030 and 2050.

The group currently comprises local volunteers and members of each parish council who have a particular interest in different aspects of climate change and the environment. Members of the West Horsley Youth Council is also involved with the group and are looking at projects that families can take part in at home to involve all ages.  Our objectives are to:


  • Raise awareness of what we can all do to reduce carbon emissions and our carbon footprint
  • Communicate ideas and opportunities that we can adopt to minimise our impact on the environment
  • Identify and promote opportunities to increase biodiversity within the village


It is very much about ‘winning hearts and minds’, getting everyone aware and involved.

Click here to read the Horsleys' C.A.N. Vision Statement and Terms of Reference 

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Everyone has an environmental footprint. It comes from all the things we do that have an impact on our planet - the energy we use, the things we buy, the food we eat. The World Wildlife Fund has created an online footprint calculator. Why not click on the link below and see how small changes to your everyday habits could make a difference to your footprint and to our planet.

WWF Carbon Footprint Calculator

Interesting and Useful Links 

If you would like to learn more about how you can make a difference, and to read what other local groups, organisations and businesses are doing, please click on the link below. 

Interesting and Useful Links