West Horsley Parish Council adopted The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 (the Code) on 19th October 2021;
and reviewed the Code on 13 December 2022 and 16 January 2024.
The Code requires local authorities in England to publish the following information quarterly:
- Expenditure Exceeding £500 - click here to view West Horsley's quarterly payments exceeding £500
- Government Procurement Card Transactions - the Council does not hold such a card - not applicable
- Procurement Information for Contracts over £5000 - click here to view Details of Procurements over £5000
Additionally, local authorities are required to publish the following information annually:
- Local Authority Land - this information is published in the Parish Council's Fixed Asset Register.
- Social Housing Assets - the Council has no social housing assets - not applicable.
- Grants to Voluntary Community and Social Enterprises - List of recent grants awarded by West Horsley Parish Council
- Further information about our grants scheme can be found on the WHPC Community Grants page of this website.
- Organisational Chart - click here to see the Staff Structure for West Horsley Parish Council
- Trade Union Facility Time - the Parish Council has no trade union representatives - not applicable
- Parking Account & Parking Space - the Parish has no controlled on/off street parking spaces - not applicable
- Senior Salaries - no member of staff has remuneration of at least £50,000 - not applicable
- Constitution - West Horsley Parish Council's constitution is made up of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations which can be found on the Policies and Procedures page of this website.
- Pay Multiple - publication of the ratio between the highest paid member of staff (all taxable earnings) and the median earnings figure of the whole Council workforce. The Parish Council's pay multiple at 19 April 2024 is 1.127:1. This calculation includes part time employees' total salaries as full time equivalents (not pro rata).
- Fraud - West Horsley Parish Council has no member of staff undertaking fraud investigations - not applicable.