How to Report a Problem

Issues such as missed bin collections, flytipping, grafitti, litter in the street, abandoned vehicles, bonfire smoke and damaged street nameplates should be reported to Guildford Borough Council using the link below.

Guildford Borough Council - Report an Issue 

Highways and road maintenance problems, including potholes, pathways, pavements, drains and obstructions are the responsibility of Surrey County Council and can be reported using the link below.

Surrey County Council - Tell us About a Highway Issue  

From aggressive, noisy or abusive behaviour to neighbourhood disturbances involving drugs or animals, antisocial behaviour takes many forms. If you’ve witnessed antisocial behaviour, please report it to Surrey Police. Reports are dealt with in exactly the same way whether you report it online or call 101. Report online using the link below.

Surrey Police - Report Antisocial Behaviour 



For easy access to Guildford Borough Council's services why not register for a MyGuildford Online Account.  You can report an issue, make requests and track progress, pay your bills and apply for key services at any time. 


Abandoned Vehicles

First call the Police on 0845 125222
Then call GBC on 01483 444499
or report online. Please note GBC will only investigate after 14 days of the vehicle being abandoned.

Bonfire Smoke & Environment

Domestic/Small premises contact GBC Environmental Health by email or phone 01483 444371 

For major damage or danger to, or pollution of the environment contact the Environment Agency on 0800 807060 (24 Hour) or 08708 506506 (Mon-Fri 8:00-18:00) or send them an email

Contaminated Land

Contact GBC Environmental Health by email or phone 01483 444371 

For emergencies or during office hours call 01483 564821 

Development Control

For unauthorised development call GBC on 01483 444627 or email planning enforcement

Power Cuts

If you have a power cut call 105 - a new, free service.  It will put you through to your local electricity network operator 

You can also call 105 if you spot damage to electricity power lines and substations that could put you, or someone else, in danger. If there's a serious immediate risk, call the emergency services too. To find out more, go to

UK Power Networks  runs a Priority Services Register for the more vulnerable in a power cuts . To join call 0800 1699970, email or apply online at



Major flooding, including blocked watercourse or badly damaged river or canal banks. 

Contact the Environment Agency on 0800 807060 (24 Hour) or 08708 506506 (Mon-Fri 8:00-18:00) or send them an email

You can also report here 

The Surrey Prepared Communications Toolkit for November, which focuses on different ways to Be Prepared for Adverse Weather is attached.



Contact GBC on 01483 444499 or email 

Gas Leaks

Call the Reporting Hotline on 0800 111999 

Health and Safety

Call GBC Environmental Health on 01483 444371 or email them

During an emergency or out of office hours call 01483 564821 

Highway Drain Blockage

Contact SCC on 03456 009009 or visit their website 

Illegal Dumping of Waste

(Does not include minor fly tipping)If hazardous waste or large amounts of industrial waste. Contact the Environment Agency on 0800 807060 (24 Hour) or 08708 506506 (Mon-Fri 8:00-18:00) or send them an email

For other waste including soil call the SCC Development Control Team on 020851 9423/9394/9426 or see fly tipping above 

Noise Nuisance

Call GBC Environmental Health on 01483 444371 or email them.

During an emergency or out of office hours call 01483 564821 

The Parish Council are not allowed to report a noise nuisance on your behalf. 


If the pothole needs immediate attention please call SCC on 0300 2001003 or if not report it online.  

Surrey CC is not responsible for private roads or trunk roads and motorway networks that cross Surrey. Any issues relating to the A3, M23, M3 and M25 should be directed to Highways England

Sewer Overflowing

This may vary depending on location and ownership of the sewer. Start with Thames Water: 08459 200800. 

Then try the GBC Environmental Health on 01483 444371 or email them.

During an emergency or out of office hours call 01483 564821


Call GBC Environmental Health on 01483 444371 or email them.

During an emergency or out of office hours call 01483 564821

Water Leaks

Call the Reporting Hotline on 0800 3765325