Surrey Hills AONB Boundary Review

Published: 22 December 2021

Map shows Evaluation Area 6: incorporating land from Bushy Hill through to East Horsley (including large parts of West Horsley)

West Horsley Parish Council is currently collating evidence to support the extension of the Surrey Hills AONB Area to include much of the Parish (see map). Our evidence will be submitted before the closing date, which is 31st January 2022.

It is really important for as many people as possible who live in and around the area to participate in this review process. Please contribute your knowledge and impressions of the landscape in the Evaluation Area. Where there is a particularly strong case for consideration, landscape immediately next to the Evaluation Area will also be considered.

Natural England is asking everyone to gather information about the natural beauty of the landscape, its condition, scenery, wildness, tranquillity, natural and cultural heritage. Evidence that you can provide for these factors will be particularly important for its assessments.

For further information please visit the Surrey Hills AONB Boundary Review website.

Evidence can be submitted via the website or via email at

Please submit your evidence by 31st January 2022, and if possible, share with the Parish Council at