Allocated Sites For West Horsley

Site A36 Land at and to the rear of Bell & Colville, Epsom Road - Identified for approximately 41 new homes

10 smaller homes were approved for development during 2018 on the brownfield land of the Bell & Colville workshops. This site was originally refused, but allowed at appeal. Construction now complete and homes occupied.
Reference: 15/P/02122

The other part of the site at 20 The Street for 23 new homes has also been approved, despite all our best efforts to object and a close vote at the GBC Planning Committee, November 2019. Construction work is nearing completion and some homes occupied.
Reference: 19/P/01210

The remaining field in the middle of the site, for a further 8 new homes, was approved at the Planning Committee, June 2020. Construction work is nearing completion.
Reference: 20/P/01273

Site A37 Land to the west of West Horsley, Manor Farm Identified for approximately 139 new homes

An application for 138 (net) houses, alongside provision of suitable alternative natural greenspace (Ben’s Wood) and ancillary teaching and sporting accommodation was submitted in November 2019 by Thakeham Homes Ltd

Application Reference: 20/P/02067 submitted December 2020.  WHPC objected, approved by GBC on 16th February 2022. 

WHPC will be meeting with Thakeham Homes on a regular basis throughout the development's progression.  Notes from the meeting are attached here:

 WHPC & Thakeham Minutes of Meeting 24.01.23

WHPC & Thakeham Minutes of Meeting 13.09.22 

 WHPC & Thakeham Minutes of Meeting 26.07.22

 WHPC & Thakeham Meeting Notes 31.05.22

Latest newsletter from Thakeham Homes:

Residents Newsletter February 2023 

Resident Newsletter November 2022

Residents Newsletter September 2022 

Residents Newsletter August 2022 

Residents Newsletter June 2022 

The Parish Council’s letter of objection can be viewed here

Residents Newsletter December

Site A39 Land to the north of West Horsley (around Waterloo Farm)
Identified for approximately 120 new homes

The first application for a piecemeal development of this larger site was submitted by Antler Homes and approved by GBC on 6th May 2022.  The application is for 35 dwellings, including 14 affordable housing.

Reference: 21/P/00917

West Horsley Parish Council will be looking to establish a relationship with the developer going forward, to help mitigate any potential local issues relating to the development.

The Parish Council's letter of objection can be viewed here 

The second part of this development has had an application submitted by Charles Church for 86 houses and maisonettes with play area and attenuation pond.  Link to full application documents here: 

Reference: 22/P/01538

These three sites will add some 300 additional new homes to our village and are scheduled to be built within the next five years